The legal stuff


LFB always discloses all partnerships. It’s partnerships like this that allow LFB to continually bring incredible adventures and experiences to the LFB community.

Items featured on LFB have either been sponsored for review purposes or gifted are marked with an *, as are events which have been part of paid partnerships as well.

All opinions expressed are our own. LFB turns down any partnerships which do not fit with the ethos of LFB and only works with companies which we are genuinely interested in and think would be of interest to the LFB community.

Some links that are posted may be affiliate links. This does not effect you as a reader or shopper. It simply means that if you click one of these links and end up purchasing an item from this particular site within a number of days after doing so, LFB will get a very tiny percentage of the total cost of purchase. Basically it’s just a very small thank you from the shop to us for directing traffic their way. This has absolutely no effect on your purchase or the price you pay for said item.

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