In the Kitchen is where you will find all my recipes and adapted recipes, tried, tested, and eaten.
one of the things i remember from my typical american upbringing was taking home economics (more commonly referred to as home ec) in middle school. here, we learned how to do a bit of sewing as well as cooking and baking. at the time, most of us considered it a fun and easy A. even better, we were able to eat our assignments. over 10 years later, i have to admit my housekeeping, cooking, and baking skills have not gotten any better although i am starting to make a concerted effort to try. i am starting to think that “how to survive after college 101” should be mandatory at every university, not only including how to cook meals that actually taste good but also simple things like changing a flat tire, fixing a broken pipe, or how to fold fitted sheets. sounds silly, but too many people of my generation and those of younger generations just don’t have the common sense skills of generations before us. although, it seems to me that we have youtube and a plethora of how-to videos in return. not a bad trade off, if you ask me. yesterday morning i thought i would put my baking skills to the test and turned out this apple crumble.
Apple Crumble recipe can be found HERE
Photography: Rae Tashman
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