Aesthetics ground both the work I do as an interaction designer and photographer. Which basically means that I have an unhealthy appreciation for anything beautiful, be it architecture, photography, packaging, interior design, nature, etc. So you can imagine that I get excited about a lot of stuff most people look straight past. Which, I would like to think of as a positive trait. However, You can also imagine that I’m that annoying friend that will stop dead in her tracks no matter where she is when something catches her eye. Sorry (but not sorry.)
Last week, while I was browsing the American Urban outfitters sight, after learning that they carry a pretty decent range of Korean beauty products, something caught my eye. Of course the packaging for most of these products are top notch. But what I found really inspiring, was how the product photographer choose to display the actual product itself, by stripping away the packaging. The result is something structured but disorderly, and entirely beautiful.
source: urban outfitters USA
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