Living in Berlin, it’s often very easy to almost forget what sunshine is. And as a photographer, it’s kind of a damned shame. Photographers are constantly chasing light, waking up before the rest of the world to secure a spot from which they can watch the sun rise from behind their lenses and waiting for that special hour when the sun is setting and everything seems to be magically bathed in gold. In Berlin, even these two small windows of time are often lost on us, as the days tend to be filled with overcast skies. Summer tends to act a bit more favorably on us, but in fall and winter we are basically shit out of luck. Although it does make those rare moments, when the sunshine peaks its head out from behind the curtain of clouds, that much more special.

Now most of you are probably thinking, “What the hell? It’s just sun.” But I would argue that not only is light the most important element when it comes to photography, it is also responsible for creating the most dazzling scenes we get to witness with our naked eyes. I had almost forgotten how full of sun Virginia was. I used to always say that the sky in Virginia was more beautiful than any sky I had ever seen. And although this cannot actually be scientifically proven, nor does it actually make any real sense, I still stand by it. The beautiful thing about sunny Virginia days is that even during the hours in-between the golden ones, the sun is shining so strongly, that it works wonders for daytime indoor photography. And even if a camera is not in my hand, I tend to just stare are the darks and lights that sunlight and shadows create, marvelling at how beautiful the world is.

Because there really is something magical about a resting house cat bathed in light or the sun shining on the soft velvety nose of a horse, highlighting his tiny whiskers. I’m already missing the cloudless sunny Virginia skies that make even the coldest day feel warm. Unfortunately the forecast in Berlin for the next four days calls for: clouds, cloudy rain, clouds, and more clouds. It does appear as though Saturday will be sunny however, so here’s hoping…

Photography: Rae Tashman

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Stay conscious, Rae


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Rae Tilly

Rae the EIC of LFB and YEOJA Magazine. She is also a photographer and social media influencer.


  • Ah, the Berlin clouds. I so get what you’re talking about. And why are the days so short here, it’s a shame. Even though I’m from the Netherlands, where it also can be very cloudy, Berlin is even worse. However, summers here are usually super long, and relatively sunny right?

    • rae

      I figure that being neighbours your weather is not too different than our over here, huh? The summers are SUPPOSED TO be very lovely, but I have found that we have had a bitt of an unlucky streak over the past few years. Still, when we do get a good day, you can bet that everyone is outside soaking up sun and taking advantage of the rarity. And it’s such a shame, because Berlin just really comes alive when the Sun is out so I wish it happened more often.

  • Stephanie Louise

    Oh the sun, sun, sun! How important it is for us photo takers. Korea tends to be hazy and cloudy more than sunny, and the outlook of the photos can be depressing :(
    Lets move somewhere we can always get perfect sun for photos ;)

    • rae

      Very true. I wasn’t aware that Korea wasn’t sunny :( I do remember, however, lots of haze and humidity when I visited in summer years ago! And yes! Sounds like an excellent plan. I am thinking hawaii …

  • These are lovely! Totally agree that lighting is the most important element in taking photos.
    Tegan xx – Permanent Procrastination

    • rae

      Thanks so much Tegan!

  • That would be difficult- and maybe not just from a photographers view, the lack of sun would probably get me down. It’s been dark and drear here for just a couple days and I already find myself feeling a bit blue and less energetic. You pictures though are incredible, always.

    • rae

      thanks so much, and yes I completely understand where you are coming from. When I first moved to Germany, I was so let down by the constant gloom and short winter days, but I has slowly gotten used to it.

  • “Chasing light” is so right haha, I’m always trying to get that golden hour window. That cat is beauuutiful! Hope you get some sunny days!

    • rae

      The golden hour is the absolute best, and thanks!

  • These are beautiful pictures! I’m so happy to see some pictures of your furbabies.

    Not having the light at this time of year is so hard in so many ways. As a photographer, but also just for my mental health. I can handle the extreme cold, but it’s the darkness that gets to me.

    xx Kathryn

    • rae

      Thanks so much, Kathryn! This is one of my parents’ furbabies – Colby. There is another too, Kingston, unfortunately I didn’t manage to get a good picture of him while I was visiting. I agree entirely. Sunlight is so integral to our well-being healthwise too. Funnily enough, I think that although I miss the sun, my body has finally adjusted after 5+ years of living in gloomy Germany!

  • I hope you get your sunshine this weekend. I agree about the power and beauty of sunshine. It brings a smile to my face when I leave the office. When I feel it on my skin and temporarily blinding my sight. Personally I think its the best energizer.
    Texas Jak

    • rae

      I actually did get sunshine this weekend! Sunday was absolutely beautiful.

  • nothing is better than sunshine

  • I understand this so much. In England we must have had similar weather, there’s been so little sunshine I can definitely feel it sapping away at my joy! It feels like every photo I take is grey and beige and that’s boring to me.
    Here’s hoping to sun Saturday!

    • rae

      I do think that “gloomy” photos have their own quality, but I have to say that I love sunny pictures the most.

  • The light isn’t the best in the UK, in the US though everything seems different. As I type this it’s hailstoning and very grey. Not easy for photos. These are beaut.

    Buckets & Spades

    • rae

      Oh no! The us also sometimes gets hail and it of course depends on where in the US you are living, but Virginia tends to have really great weather. Even when it’s cold it is usually sunny.