A few weeks ago I had a pretty nasty cold which still hasn’t entirely cleared up. I swear post-nasal drip is so unsexy and so uncool. In Germany, doctors are much more into herbal cures before cracking out the hardcore drugs. So I was basically curing myself with herbal tablets and a “facial steam bath” which helped to open up the nasal cavity and lead to better breathing.

While I am more of a believe in a combination of both herbal and synthetic medicine – I did have to eventually crack out the afrin nose spray even though I hate the stuff – I do truly believe that when you can treat things naturally it’s the best way to go.

Here is my easy DIY which can be done througout the day* to clear up your congestion and relax.


1 Cup boiling water
3 teaspoons of camomile flowers

*Gelomyrtol is a plant-based over-the-counter medicine strictly made of a distillate of essential oils. The pharmacist at the Apotheke suggested adding a few drops (but not the whole thing!) to the facial steam bath. If you use Gelomyrtol tablets, you should only be using them in the facial steam bath up to 3 times a day.


glass of water
candles for relaxation

Step one: Put a decent amount of camomile flowers in a bowl. Pierce the Gelomyrtol tablet and add a few drops of it to the bowl.

Step two: Heat water until it is boiling and add it to the bowl.

Step three: Sit over the bowl and put a towel over your head to contain the steam. Alternating between inhaling through your nose and mouth. Keep a glass of water next to you incase you over heat. Light some candles to create a soothing atmosphere as well.

Camomile Steam bath for colds and flus - photography: Rae Tashman - lovefromberlin.net

Camomile Steam bath for colds and flus - photography: Rae Tashman - lovefromberlin.net

Camomile Steam bath for colds and flus - photography: Rae Tashman - lovefromberlin.net

Camomile Steam bath for colds and flus - photography: Rae Tashman - lovefromberlin.net

Camomile Steam bath for colds and flus - photography: Rae Tashman - lovefromberlin.net

Camomile Steam bath for colds and flus - photography: Rae Tashman - lovefromberlin.net

Camomile Steam bath for colds and flus - photography: Rae Tashman - lovefromberlin.net

Camomile Steam bath for colds and flus - photography: Rae Tashman - lovefromberlin.net

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Photography: Rae Tashman

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Stay conscious, Rae

Rae Tilly

Rae the EIC of LFB and YEOJA Magazine. She is also a photographer and social media influencer.