If you didn't already know, Bombay Sapphire just wrapped up their pop up event CANVAS BAR here in Berlin.*
We were lucky enough to attend and wanted to give you guys a bit of a recap of this 4 day long interactive artistic experience. We were lucky enough to attend Bombay Sapphire‘s CANVAS BAR’s kick off event, where were invited to be part of art in all different capacities.

Photography: Rae Tilly
We were invited to mix and decorate our own cocktails featuring Bombay Sapphire at a few different stations set up in different areas of the venue. I was a personal fan of the Gin and Tonic stand where I mixed my own Gin and Tonic. Spoiler alert: It was delicious.
We were also able to experience art in action created by a list of talented creators: Paul Schrader, a painter from Hamburg, Stefan Kunz, a master of lettering, Olaf Hajek, an artist from Düsseldorf, Lacy Barry & Cris Wiegandt, better known as the Duo Crizilla & Delassey who create art out of paper, street artist SuperBlast, calligrapher Sigrid Artmann, Darwin Stapel, a photographer, dancer, and illustrator from Berlin, and last but not least, Mary Lennox, an artist who works with flowers from Berlin.
My personal favourite was Crizilla & Delassey’s paper sculptures:

Photography: Rae Tilly
Bombay Sapphire‘s events never fail to disappoint and what makes me so happy to be part of their events is the attention to detail and level of creativity that goes into each one. Their events are unforgettable – from the Secret Garden a few years back which took place in a green house, to The Grand Journey – an interactive train “ride” across the globe – each one has left a positive and unique impression in my mind. What really stood out to me about this event was the hands-on cocktail creation opportunity and the carefully curated group of artists who made the event truly feel tailored for its Berlin audience. It’s safe to say, we cannot wait to be taken along for Bombay Sapphire‘s next adventure.
Photography: Rae Tilly
*This post and the work done with Bombay Sapphire was paid work. All commentary and opinions are my own. We here at LFB Blogazine are so thankful to the brands that allow us to continue to do what we do. Without brands like Bombay Sapphire, we would not exist.