I am absolutely in love with the kind of dream world that wedding and travel photographer Anastasia has created on her instagram account. Her feed feels like some insane combination of a russian Amelie-meets Free People and I’m completely smitten. If you are into dreamy travel photographs with a vintage and bohemian vibe, then definitely check this lovely lady out. You will not be disappointed!


001 | 002 | 003 004 | 005 | 006 | 007 | 008 | 009


Want more Instafinds?
Source: @glebovaanastasia



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Stay conscious, Rae

Rae Tilly

Rae the EIC of LFB and YEOJA Magazine. She is also a photographer and social media influencer.


  • I really love the warm tone of her photographs. I feel like people usually tend to go cooler and this is just so lovely.

    Chelsey | http://www.chelseythornton.com

    • rae

      Quite true – blue tones are very popular at the moment, but the more warm tones give a more vintage vibe to the images. I think there is a place for both, and some photos look better in cooler tones, other in warmer ones, depending on the mood you are going for but Instagram makes it so hard because you have to sort of stick to a theme!

  • Morgan Miller

    Gorgeous! I love these insta posts your doing x
    Morgan | http://www.justmorgs.com

    • rae

      So glad you enjoy them, Morgan!

  • her photographs are beautiful! and lovely blog design btw!

    • rae

      Aren’t they and thanks so much!

  • I love the photo with the horse, especially with the blurred out leaves in the front. Also loving the cosy mood of #8. I want all my mornings and afternoons to be like that :D -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s

  • Wow, I love her feed! Thank you for this post! Now I’ll be looking on more of your instafind posts so I can follow them <3

    xx, wanderingella.com

  • Sophie Lee

    These pics are like my little dream <3

    xoxo, Cool style for men